Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Chronic disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chronic disease - Essay Example Finally, smoking and alcohol are some of the major causes of heart disease. This things need to be consumed in smaller amounts so it does not affect the heart. The previous recommendations for combating heart disease were general without giving too many concrete suggestions. Because those with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes are most at risk for heart disease, it is advised that these problems are addressed. First of all, a simple blood test can be taken to check you cholesterol levels. In order to make sure that nothing is missed, cholesterol levels should be checked once every five years. Next, blood pressure needs be checked regularly because high blood pressure does not show any symptoms. If you are a diabetic then blood sugar levels must be controlled. This is best done by talking with a healthcare provider so he or she can advise the best treatment. Finally, if medication has been prescribed for any of the above mentioned conditions, then it is really importa nt to always to medication properly (â€Å"Prevention: What You Can Do†).

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